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Orders are dispatched within 1 working day.

Transit Time

Orders arrive within 3-7 working days.

Delivery Partner

All orders are shipped with DHL Express.

Free delivery

Free delivery to EU, UK and Switzerland*.

Shipping Information

Delivery cost
Delivery Partner
Shipping time
DHL Express Economy
5-7 days
Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
DPD Economy
2-5 days
Greece, Romania
€10 per item
DPD Economy
Up to
10 days
1-2 days

Free delivery for EU countries, United Kingdom and Switzerland. *For orders outside the European Union (EU), please be aware that additional taxes and duties may apply, please check the details for your country. 

1. Shipping Time: We strive to deliver your orders as quickly as possible. For deliveries within the EU, you can expect your package to arrive within 3-7 working days from the date of dispatch. However, please bear in mind that shipping time may vary depending on the destination and any customs clearances.

2. Delivery Costs: Free delivery for EU countries, United Kingdom and Switzerland. *For orders outside the European Union (EU), please be aware that additional taxes and duties may apply, please check the details for your country  below.  For other countries, the shipping prices vary depending on the destination country and will be displayed on the checkout page before you finalize your order. 

3. Trusted Courier Partner: To ensure your packages arrive safely and promptly, we exclusively partner with DHL Express, a reputable and reliable global courier service. For Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus and Romania orders will be shipped with local couriers.

Rest assured that we take the utmost care in handling your shipments, and we'll provide you with tracking information so you can follow your package's journey from our warehouse to your doorstep.

4. Tax and Duties: We ship from Bulgaria and all prices include VAT. For orders within the EU no additional tax will be charged to the customer.


For the UK, if the order value is below £135, you do not owe any duty or additional VAT.  


For other countries outside the EU, please check with your local customs authorities.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our customer support team. Happy shopping!


*Excluding these regions or countries: Cyprus; Denmark - Faroe Islands and Greenland; France - Corsica; Malta;  Portugal - The Azores and Madeira; Spain - Canary Islands; United Kingdom - Gibraltar;

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